Tuesday 5 March 2013

Embracing the Energy Shifts

The last 12 months have undoubtedly seen a significant change in the earth's vibrational energy, with several key downloads taking place. As an energy worker I can feel the energy shifts both within everyday life and inside my healing room which is currently buzzing! Also as a therapist, like many of my colleagues, I have noticed that people are being pushed through their issues with ever increasing firmness and speed. In fact it seems to have been a long winter of struggle and growth for a great many of us, followed by heady spring with a dizzy lack of stability and now a challenging summer draws to a close.
   The night after the Summer Solstice when a major wave of high vibrational energy came through, I went down to the beach and spoke with some indigenous spirits who were very quietly and calmly acknowledging the new shift. The description they gave me was “Mother Snake sheds her skin.” They also said that their people’s knowledge held memories of this having happened a couple of times previously. The word Renaissance immediately popped into my head.
   As the energy of the planet re-calibrates, so does that of all its constituent parts including all those of man’s creation. So we are bearing witness to many institutions being rocked, belief systems challenged and faulty values exposed. For each individual too, anything that reflects faulty beliefs is being brought to the light. The challenge for us is to observe this level of change on the macro level without fear. Whilst on the personal level to recognise that we can no longer shove our ‘stuff’ down into dark recesses – for undoubtedly “it will out.” And in that lies the path to true healing and alignment.