Taehotsa's Songs for Women

 The beautiful verses below, which tell the story of a woman's life, have been gifted to the women of the world by the Native American Spirit Teacher Taehotsa. She is a custodian of ancient knowledge and wisdom pertaining to the energy of women and acts as a conduit between Mother Earth and her daughters. She has been my spirit teacher for several years and granted me these Songs through images and words.
These songs were performed at The Navan Centre in Ireland as part of the 2019 International Women's Day Celebrations

Welcome Song

We welcome you, sweet soul as you pass into earth life.
Bless your coming and the goodness it brings to the world.

We the women of your tribe embrace you with our love.
We witness the light of the source still vibrating in your soul,
So hum your earth-song to draw you gently through to body, to mother earth.

We sing you strength of purpose, body and heart.
We sing you peaceful sleep so you may wander the heavens.
We sing to you of Spirit,
Let it guide you through your lessons, let it lead you to your path.

As you travel this life never fear that you sing alone.
When you seek solace, find joy, need knowing, just quiet and listen – we are there.

As you grow into your true self, accept guardianship of our knowledge, understanding and healing lore
Add to its sum, glean from its parts, energise its core.

The oneness beyond time has sent you forth
Little Woman, your song begins.

Sing well.

Young Woman’s Song

 I join with Mother Earth as the blood leaves my womb.

I grow towards her as I grow towards myself.

I rejoice that my body now gives of itself, displaying its feminine energy in cycles with the moon.

I honour my opening up and promise to respect my essence.

I thank the light of divine creation for the gift of potential life.

I join with womanhood in praise and love for all we offer the world.

I enter womanhood with respect and joy, taking my place in the long line from the source, weaving my thread into the tapestry of ‘her’story.

I sing my song for the women of my tribe, the women of my past, the women of my future, and the woman in my soul.

Love Song

Let all there is be in love.
As a woman, deep centred in Mother Earth,
Let me know it, let me grow it, let there be love.
Let me find it, let me nourish it, let there be love.

As I reach out for hope, reach out for love
Let it breathe through my being,
Let it ripple from my core to the edges of time
And light up the sky.

There in the vastness within my soul
Beyond even my feminine self,
There Love resides, original, pure,
Unfettered by fear.

There, is the well-spring of my heart,
The source of my song.

I choose love.

I grow with the joy of its giving,
I learn of the strength in receiving.

Reaching forth towards others
Breaching the walls of self,
Baring the truth in my centre,

I choose love.

Song of Union

I, spiritual woman, freely extend my hand to this man chosen from all others to walk with me, to sing with me,
Merging laugh-lines, blood lines, life-lines.

I, grounded woman, gently embrace the hand of this man who chooses me above all others to walk with, to sing with,
Merging futures, journeys, paths.

Our threads entwined,
Together – greater than two.
May our weft and weave strengthen the fabric of our families, our tribe and all humanity.

Let us gain strength from our hard times.
Let us learn from our good times.
Enriched by the comfort of physical mate,
The freedom of emotional friend, and
The strength of spiritual partner,
We celebrate this precious chance.

No conditions placed on this love
Save acceptance - he of me and my growth, me of him and his growth.
Committed not to lose who we are, but to reach together towards the depths of our most complete selves,
Truth and karmic healing served.

Powers that cradle us in love
Bless this journey we begin.

Singing in the Child

I call on Mother Earth to prepare my womb, to fill me with love and understanding, hope and joy and to bless me with the gift of life.

I draw on her strength, her womanly source and fill my soul with the child-song, sung through the ages.

I walk in the fields and draw on her essence,
I stare out to sea and sense her rhythms.
I watch the seasons and know they are me,
I follow the moon on its monthly journey that is my own.

I enter the covenant of soul with soul that the child may come as ordained.
I praise the light above that sends me this gift and knows the timing of all things seen and unseen.

I worship my body that will spring into life.
I promise to honour it with clean water, healthy seeds and gentle foods so that the covenant may be sealed with health, love and joy.

All this I do in honour of my mother and her mother and all mothers back to the source from which I draw my strength.

Back to the mother in the earth that balances the skies, that balances the energy of creation with the energy of form.

All this I do to receive the gift of life within me.

Birth Song

Baby’s verse
Bless this child I wait to birth.
Bless the day I bring it forth.
Bless the stars that mark its coming and give it luck through life.
Bless its guides and teachers, above and below.
Bless the divine task it comes to fulfill.

I pray that its passage into this earth life may be free of trauma,
I pray that my child comes in, with grace and love.

Mother’s verse
Give me the wisdom of all my births and all my birthings.
Let me ground myself in mother earth and use her inner core as she draws the child from me.

Give me trust in my body as it gives up its gift,
Let me accept the knowledge deep in my body’s cells.

Give me strength in my heart as I work to loose the blood line that joins us.
Let me use the breath of life to bring focus and control.

Give me respect of the effort I spend to bring forth life.
Let me not fear or fight but join in the rhythm of creation sung by my sisters through time.

When all is done I thank the source that trusts this soul to my care, and as mother and child, ask for the blessing of love and health.

The Song of the Universal Mother

 In our children’s eyes we see our spirit smile.
We feel the sweet, sweet pain of a new love
Swell our hearts and expand our souls
And find truths we never dreamed before.

Deep within, mother knowledge stirs in our blood
Passed through time and cords of love,
Woman to woman.

We trust this knowing, we trust this journey
That we have agreed to share.

It extends our love to the children of our family,
The children of our people and
The children of the world.
We are universal, we are everywhere.

We are soil, and sun, and rain.
We are their grounding, their founding in love.
We are wombs of time, delivering the future.
We are one, we are all.

Each one of us a melody – together Mother Song.

Woman’s Song

 Standing, anchored ankle deep in Mother Earth
I know the reality of the woman in me.

Draped in soft silver Moonlight
I sense the joy of the woman in me.

Arms open, outstretched like the Great Eagle in flight
I understand the strength of the woman in me.

Warm bellied, strong voiced, open-hearted
I harmonise the male and female in me.

Spirit receiving, renewing the divine feminine force
I lovingly nurture the woman in me.

When I sing, I sing with woman’s song

Friendship Song

 As women of the tribe, we offer up a chorus 
The inter-locking of our hands brings strength to all.
We sing our song as one.

As Daughters of Mother Earth we beckon across the soul crowd,
“Friend spread out the cloth and come sit with me,
Let us each make a square to add to our story,
Let’s each weave a verse for our song.”

Passing the cup of friendship and sharing the smoke of life,
We wrap our Friend-care around us in joy, in health, in pain, in the dark.
As Sisters united in our knowing
We praise, we mourn, we rejoice, we heal
We give, we receive, we accept.

We are Daughters of Mother Earth, Spirits of the Moon,
Choosing to ride the sky together
And sing our song as one.

Song for the Grown Child

 I stand aside and let my children pass.

Slowly I have parted the tent flap wider and wider so they may find their feet upon the grassy plain; grow used to the vastness of the sky; learn to talk alone to the stars; and read the clouds upon the wind.

I can recall each full moon rise since their coming.
For I have taught them according to each season, welcoming its arrival and honouring its passing.

And in the teaching have I been blessed to grow and better know myself.
And in the learning have I been honoured to watch their spirit find its form.

I see their strength, know their challenges, understand their souls.
But I am just a guide, revealing footprints in the soil.
Time taps me on the shoulder and whispers in my ear, “The path parts, this now is theirs to track.”

And so I step aside and let my children pass into the mountains, into the wood, across the desert, drawn on-wards by a far-off star.
They smile at me as they go, they turn and wave at every crossing.
They are certain. I am certain.
That should they reach down to drink from still water
They will see me smiling back, forever by their side.

Daughter’s Song

 Mother of the Moon, Father of the Sun, source of who I am
Come take your place close by my fire.
Poke the embers with your story stick and sing for me your song.

Share with me your knowing, your seeing and your tales of time.
Pass to me the links as teachers, providers, family and tribe.

My hand you once guided through the world now leads you to your seat
But I see beyond the changing body and look knowledge in the eye.
I sense the blood lines and soul songs of ancestors fleshing out your presence,
I understand the energy of you that flows on through me.

And when your souls are beckoned, “Return”
I will honour our lessons, our journey and release you into peace, with love and thanks.
I will look up to see your soul stars as they grow bright upon the evening sky.

And sometimes I will call to you, “Moon Mother, Sun Father, Come, join the spirits of my fire and sing again for me your song.”

Song of Change

My body moves on to a new season
As I knew it must.
I welcome my change.

I sit into it with calm and ease,
I embrace the new energies within me,
Even as I release the last of my cycles to the moon.
I welcome my change.

My body, sensual and strong, carries its time with pride,
It still surges to express love through physical union.
I am a woman ending, a woman beginning,
I welcome my change.

My creativity takes new forms and demands to be fed,
I feel my spiritual being reaching out to the light,
I feel wisdom and understanding in every part.
I welcome my change.

My mind now opens to new possibilities,
I converse easily with Mother Earth.
I give myself willingly to her ancient rhythms.
I, unchanged, ever-changing, change.

Wise Woman's Song

I am an elder now, a woman leader of my people.

I rock the babies and hum them their family song.
I lead the toddlers on walks among the trees and anchor their roots into Mother Earth.

I gently teach the children how to fetch and carry, to dance and sing and to celebrate the joy of living.
I talk to the adolescents of times and people long gone so they know their place in the line.

I share my story with the young women so they learn to love and respect the strength of the feminine.
I share my story with the young men so they too learn to love and respect the strength of the feminine.

They call this wise woman living,
For I have time now to talk to the spirits and tend to the energy lines of my land, my tribe, my family.

Why did I fear it for so long and dread its coming?
My wisdom settles around my shoulders like a shawl. There is strength in this, there is wonder in this.

Finally, joyfully, I am come to know me as all that I am.

Returning Song

I make ready for my return to Mother Earth.
I talk quietly with the women I have been,
Humming the verses of my song.
I sing pain and hope, love and loss.
I forgive, especially myself.

I am ready for my return to Mother Earth.
I have gathered my lessons together
And called my spirit home.
I have tidied my tepee
And passed all my songs down the line.
I rejoice, especially for myself.

They, too, are ready for my return
Gently calling to me
To step across into peace and love
To release this my-self.
Her task is done.

Soul energy expanding
Earth choices revealed,
The oneness beyond time draws me on
As a sigh, far behind, ends the song.

Earth back to earth
Light back to light


These verses are all Copyright: Gwynneth Scott 2009 

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