Saturday 17 January 2015

Nature Calls

  Well there certainly is a lot of pretty heavy stuff going on in the world at the moment and it is easy to feel overwhelmed and negative. There is however an antidote and it’s never too far away.
  Spirit tells me that when they look down on our cities they see dark gluggy energy. All those lives jammed in together on energy-deadening concrete and bombarded by electromagnetic smog. To be honest the only reason I can survive here in a city of 4 million is because I live by the Bay. I can regenerate with a stroll along the beach, feel grounded by sitting on the sand or give freedom to my thoughts by following the swoop of the sea birds over the waves.
  My new Well-Being Centre is only a 50 m walk from one of the loveliest beaches and when the windows in my consulting room are open the salt air blows through clearing any negative energy. I encourage my clients to head down to the beach after an appointment as I feel that the work done in session will be better integrated and underscored by sitting in peace and stillness for a while, rather than jumping into a car and racing off to the supermarket with the mind back in 4th gear.
  Indeed so many of my clients light up in recognition when it is revealed that they love nature, and that their souls crave the deep wisdom of a forest or the enervating power of a surf beach. They readily agree how much they have always enjoyed connecting with the earth, before often commenting that they rarely make the time anymore, even when they live in the country. Hence a chat with Mother Nature is my most commonly prescribed remedy for all manner of ills.
  And we don’t refer to it as ‘Mother’ Nature for no reason. She is our solace, our source and our nurture. Yes we know that through our food and water she represents our physical survival but she also is our emotional survival, for any child suffering sensory neglect cannot thrive. So get out there to the local park, sit under the nearest tree and tune into its unhurried rhythm. Don’t make excuses, make time, for a journey to the hill-top, the forest, the lake, the gorge, the woodland or seashore – they’re all waiting to sing their song to you. And be assured your soul will sing back.

(This is a shot taken last week of my son swimming at sunset - sorry you have to crane your necks - try as I might I couldn't get it to rotate.)