Thursday 3 September 2015

Raising the Vibration

Given all that is going on in the world it is no wonder that many people are sitting in fear and anxiety. War, terrorism, destruction, massive displacement of people, global financial issues, famine, drought etc etc.  Unfortunately, when what we need is for our leaders and the media all around the world to step up and offer calm rational discourse, instead we have the situation where fear is being pedaled on many levels.
  As such we are continually having our reflexive fight or flight, ‘them or us’ responses activated. And that is not only not appropriate, it is not healthy on any level, individual, societal, physical, emotional or spiritual.
  I grew up in Northern Ireland during the “Troubles” so I know only too well the impact of fear, stress and continual discourse in hate and anger. It’s why when I first came to Australia it felt like I could finally breathe. Sometimes over the last 5 or so years though, I have felt that that level of freedom and sense of societal openness that so inspired me in 1987 is no longer so evident. Perhaps it is the same all over the world. It saddens me greatly but I refuse to go back to the energy in which I grew up, where ‘them and us’ was the framework upon which all other constructs, belief systems, reactions and interactions were built. A framework that apparently justified the distortion of pillars of democracy which one would have thought were non-negotiable such as justice, law and order and human rights.
  Indeed, as those who seek power know only too well, it is when we are most fearful that our moral position can become a sliding scale and the hierarchical nature of our values is revealed. But we have a choice, we do not have to buy into the game. We can step back and detach from the ego based illusion and connect with our soul energy. From the perspective of its eternal wisdom we can shine light upon the distortions, the overreach and the hidden. We can be horrified but not afraid. We can be concerned but not overwhelmed. We can be human and humane.
  There is a physics demonstration in which several glasses of water in a row and vibrating at different levels will all eventually align with the highest vibration. That simple experiment is a microcosm of the human experience. Our purpose, life time after lifetime, is to raise our energetic vibration and in so doing to raise the collective vibration of humanity. And we achieve this one fearless moment at a time, one conscious thought at a time, one loving act at a time. That is true power.