Wednesday 17 May 2023

Starting a Business with Clear Intent

 While offering healing and counselling services over the last fifteen years I have often provided support for clients (especially holistic therapists) as they have developed their businesses. The first thing I emphasise is that it is essential to get the vibration of the endeavour right from the very start. This is because the energy and intent that underpins a business as it is established, sets up its future internal shape and external vibration. These in turn impact those who birthed it and those it draws into its orbit; its staff and clients.

When I saw the movie The Social Network about Mark Zuckerberg and the early years of FaceBook, it came as little surprise to me that he first used the program to humiliate a girl who had rejected his advances.

Whatever feelings, belief system or drives you are feeling when you first activate your business will be reflected later on, so it’s best to work through all aspects consciously and honestly.

One suggestion I make is to apply the Achieve, Perceive and Weave set of questions. Start with being very clear about what you want to achieve with your business – financial security, large audience or small focus group, sustainability, flexibility, lots of employees or sole provider, community or stand alone.

Then think about how you want yourself and your business to be perceived – what words would you prefer people to use when referring to you: successful, ethical, friendly, excellent product, excellent service, low key or impressive, value for money or high end spend, intimate or international? There are no wrong answers – but you will be taking responsibility so think carefully.

Finally ask how do I want my business to weave into my life, my family commitments, my community, my responsibilities to the planet and my purpose in this lifetime?

Getting the fundamental vision, purpose and practices clear in your head means they are clear to the outside world and potential clients and also very importantly to your Spirit guides who can bring in the assistance and guidance most appropriate to your journey.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Tips to recover from a General Anaesthetic


A recurring issue I encounter in my clinic is that of recovery from a general anaesthetic. I have people come in distressed, confused and depressed sometimes long after the physical issues have resolved. They report not feeling in their bodies, feeling under attack, and occasionally not even feeling like they are themselves anymore.  As this is such a common problem, and doctors do warn patients that depression can occur after a general anaesthetic, I thought that I would share what it looks like from my perspective and give some tips on how to minimise the impact.

Being under a general is very traumatic for the body, mind and spirit. Basically, the body thinks the ‘bus driver’ is dead and therefore it goes into shock.  Often the person’s spirit leaves the body although it obviously doesn’t detach fully. The first thing I have to do then is to clunk the person back down into their body, to anchor them in and to ground them back into the earth. I can see the relief in their eyes, and I often get comments such as, “Oh I feel normal again!” or “I can see out of my eyes again properly!”

The next issue is that while surgeons believe that they are only cutting through layers of skin, muscle and fat, there is also significant damage to the auric shield around our bodies and the chakras above the area being worked on. Unfortunately, these rips in the aura leave the person energetically unprotected and open to negative attack. Because hospitals, where people are at their most vulnerable, are not spaces which are regularly cleared, there can be a lot of heavy negative energy lurking around. When we are not protected energetically, we can pick this up. Now we are lugging around someone else’s fear or panic or sadness all the while trying to recover from an acute medical procedure. This is especially an issue for empaths and energetically sensitive people.

Tips to avoid post general anaesthetic distress:

  • Do a full visualisation of the operation, with everything going well, and talk your body through what is going to happen. Emphasise that you are only asleep and calm and have not left the building! (Visualisation is very positive to do anyway. I have friends who visualised a particularly nasty bone break coming together like so many jigsaw pieces. The surgeon commented afterwards that he had been concerned about the operation, but it had all come together, just like a jigsaw!!)
  • Get a friend or relative to hold your ankles and rub your feet once you are in recovery. If they are more confident, they can also imagine gently drawing your energy down into your body and then down into the earth.
  • ‘Pump’ up your aura before and after surgery – just imagine the auric bubble pumped up like a taut balloon and then visualise a nice coating of silver on the outside. (Again you can ask someone else to help you do that.)
  • Buy some space clearing and/or auric clearing sprays for use before and after surgery or make your own with a little salt in water, 4 drops of clove oil and 3 drops of geranium oil. Spray under the bed in your hospital room and around your aura. Also spray onto your hands and then move your hands in a circular motion through whatever chakra covers the area operated on. It can also be useful to also focus on the solar plexus chakra as that is where we can be vulnerable to drawing in other people’s energy.

Friday 10 July 2020

Collective Responsibility and the New Feminine

Well 2020 continues to bring upheaval, change and major shifts for people all around the world. It is almost hard to keep up and deal emotionally with each big new issue, before the next one hits.
My sense in observing world events, working with spirit and through sessions with clients is that there are some important energetic patterns and messages behind the disruption and change:

* Anything that is hidden is having a big torch light shone on it, anything not dealt with is coming to the surface to be resolved - be it on the level of the individual, a family or indeed a nation.
* We are being asked to recognise that it is our collective responsibility to ensure that the rights of every individual are met and each person is treated equally and respectfully regardless of colour, ethnicity or wealth status.
* Conversely we are learning about how  individual responsibility equals collective responsibility, and those countries and/or organisations which put individual freedom and wealth above the health and well-being of the collective are being found out. Hopefully that lesson will underpin the world's response to climate change as we emerge into the post-covid world.
* We are also being offered a wonderful opportunity to let go of old limiting behaviours and patterns. I was given a great image of us each being handed a giant coin to slide down the slot of the "Push the Penny" attraction at the fairground. If we are courageous enough to let it, that big coin will push the old, heavy and obsolete pennies off the shelf.....for good!
* One of the reasons for this is that there is a new form of divine feminine coming through which is commanding us to release all the old narratives and the limiting conditioning women have bought into and which only serves to keep them small. Ideas about gender roles, beauty, weight, body shape, ambition versus service etc etc.
This new Feminine is strong and clear, no victim and yet not lost in her anger. It is not just liberating for women; men who embrace it too (we've all got feminine aspects) and who honour it, will also find themselves set free from the old unhealthy patriarchy conditioning that has kept them from reaching their heart potential.

I have had quite a few glimpses of it in meditation and therapy sessions and IT IS GLORIOUS!!

Stay Safe Everyone

Tuesday 10 March 2020

2020, Upheaval and Large Scale Lessons

 The start to this new decade has certainly served up some serious challenges, particularly here in Australia. With a bit of distance from the trauma of the bush-fires and the subsequent  loss of human life, an estimated billion animals and indeed whole ecosystems, I feel better able to offer some perspective that might be of assistance. This is also important given we are now being rocked by the threat of  the Covid-19 virus pandemic.
  I see similarities, however, in the lessons these major events are bringing to the surface. Firstly both the climate change and the pandemic are issues that can only be dealt with if the world works together. This tiny little virus is showing that we are all linked - borders mean nothing, nationality, religion, wealth mean nothing. We are all part of a great big global village and the actions (and inaction) of each country impacts on all others. Also in any village, big or small, we need the sharing not hoarding of resources - be it knowledge, compassion or toilet paper.
   These big events are not about globalisation in terms of global markets - which are currently collapsing on computer screens and taking up a lot of the conversation in the media. They are about community and connection. I was struck by how nearly every person interviewed after the deadly fires had ripped through their homes, commented on what a great community they lived in and how everyone was there for each other. Then of course there was the commitment of the volunteers giving up time, money and personal safety to protect homes, towns and landscapes.
  Now, with the Covid-19 virus, front-line in protecting and helping impacted communities around the world will be the ‘empathy’ professions - doctors plus the generally not well paid paramedics and nurses - working in medical settings which are often under-funded by governments (UK & Ireland for instance) or privatized beyond the reach of large parts of the population (eg USA). Will we now begin to understand that care and compassion are much more important commodities than any found on the stock exchange? That the markers of a nation's success are not bankers’ bonuses and big business success, but rather its ability to provide healthcare and ongoing safety for its people.
  Finally perhaps this is also the beginning of the swing back towards listening to expertise and not our FaceBook feed. We need calm and rational, evidence-based discourse, not opinion and rumour replacing facts. We will maybe also recognise the need to demand of those in positions of power, be it politics, media or business, that we be able to trust them with the truth and trust them with our future.

Saturday 25 January 2020

Sing-up-Australia Day 2020

This is the third year that I have put up this post on Australia Day. As many of you know I feel very privileged to be allowed to work on a spiritual level with Indigenous spirit and the following words were dictated to me by the Aboriginal Ancestor who leads my work in communing with the land. I feel that given the horrific events of the last couple of months it is more pertinent than ever before.
"A very long time ago there was one land and one vast expanse of water. Then the great divide happened and land mass fell away from land mass as the world re-drew its shape. Over a long time the oceans became themselves and the continents became themselves. As the tribes of man spread out across the land they moved slowly and over long periods of time they spread into each corner of the land, evolving to each climate and habitat. As they went they followed the earth’s energy lines and through these energy lines, the land they walked communicated to them. It told them the way to plants and water, to sacred spots, how to be in communion with the land.
  We became the people of this great  southern land mass and this is how we lived. We did not know that in other lands this knowledge had been lost, that this communion with earth was no longer understood and honoured.
  The energy line grid in Australia was kept in place by my people and honoured up until 200 years ago. We still let the earth tell us what she can give, what should be honoured, what should be sacred, what should be foregone. We evolved as a people to sing to the earth’s energy lines, we evolved alongside them. We knew the questions to ask and the energy lines gave us the answers.
   These energy lines are also the way the earth keeps herself fed and the loss of each one re-defines the energy of those who destroy it, those living on it, the animals and plants who feed off it and earth herself.
  This was our bargain with the land now called Australia.  It was a bond of trust and understanding – a bond that was extremely successful for tens of thousands of years. It was what you would perhaps call a contract.
  When white man came he not only took our land, he took our songs , he took away our ability to honour that contract.
  We were surprised by how little white man knew – knew only to battle with the land to beat it into submission, never asked us how to work it, heal it, tend to it.
  As our contract with the land has been dishonoured we have been powerless witnesses to the animals lost, the birds lost, the habitats lost, the healing plants lost, the water-ways polluted, the fish and corals lost. We see the energy lines fade. We see the energy lines fade.
  That’s why we cry today – not just because it marks the invasion of our land, not just the annihilation of our many tribal nations. On this date our contract with the land of Australia was torn up and thrown away. This date began the end of an ancient way of being that had truly celebrated this land.
  We understand ceremony, we understand the word ‘to honour’, it is part of our culture. We understand the power of many uniting to put their energy and intention into one thing. Therefore we deeply believe in the need for this land to be honoured– that there must be a Day for Australia when all the people of this land can focus on its wonders and beauty and celebrate. But this date is not it.
  Sing with my people on another Date, a Sing up Australia Day. A day to be grateful for all you receive and then to give back – to walk the lines, to feed the energy of the land around you. Ask my people how to say thank you to the land that is Australia, my goodness my friends – you must say thank you."

NB: Last night (25th January 2020) in Sydney a Bungul and all-night vigil was held with singing, dancing, cleansing of the land and yarning-circles. 

As reported in The Guardian, "At a forum earlier that day, Enoch – a Noonuccal Nuugi man from Stradbroke Island, and the first Indigenous artistic director in Sydney festival’s history – had suggested that every Australian should adopt a totem animal they would pledge to look after." Click here to read more

Tuesday 21 May 2019

The (Long) Journey Towards Ourselves

Recently I have been dealing with quite a few clients with issues around moving onto the next stage in their lives. I am also in transition in terms of my work and home location. Anyway the lovely advice spirit brought through was that while we tend to see life as a series of events, or periods of particular ‘doing’ e.g. studying, working, raising kids etc, there is really only one journey. That journey regardless of its twists and turns, challenges or length is towards one thing: Ourselves
  Everything that happens along the way, every setting is just another stage upon which we are acting out this journey. And the folk we meet just our co- actors drawn in to shine a light or reflect back some aspect of ourselves that needs addressing. They are there to help move us further down the path – even if they bring us great pain.
  We often set goals – end points - and think well when I get there I’ll feel better; when I earn this much or win that contract, life will be great. Or alternatively we resist endings, afraid of transition or change.  But either way when nothing much has changed in our internal lives or the same lessons keep coming up we feel deflated.  That is because we are still missing the point of this journey: still measuring the success of our lives against a particular event, location or factor that is external to us. Indeed judging our success by comparing where we sit in relation to other people ( especially those who may have nothing to do with us at all) is particularly pointless, although quite common given the prevalence of social media.
 The blueprint for this journey you see is actually embedded deep within each of us. Our soul knows, what aspects of our splintered selves we have come to work on, the purpose of this life against which our success or failure will be measured. The ego and it's outward outfits - job, wealth, status, age - are red herrings trying to deflect us from focusing on the real journey.  Aided and abetted by the mind it aims to keep us busy and distracted. But it is only in stilling that mind and conducting an honest assessment of our internal growth that we can work out where we are on the journey toward our greater self. A regular review not of style but content, not of intellect but of knowing, not of work output but heart output. The following are some useful examples of questions we can ask:

a) how attached am I to my role as a victim at the centre of continual drama storms (real or imagined);
b) how easily am I able to let go of old patterns, faulty beliefs and labels about what I must be (rescuer/good daughter/hard worker) but which no longer serve me;
c) how well do I hold my boundaries while living and speaking  with an open heart;
d) how often do I choose to sit in truth rather than illusion;
e) how readily do I live consciously, aware of who I am and what I am aiming to heal in me.

  Perhaps if you want a very simple signpost for this long and winding road it is this one question: How far have I come from shouting ‘me, me, me’ to proclaiming ‘I am all that I am?’