Thursday 25 July 2013

Finding Perspective

A couple of blogs ago I wrote about context – this time I want to talk about ‘perspective’.
   Many of my clients come stressed and anxious and I am shown that their whole vision is filled with whatever it is that is triggering them. Other times I am to reveal to clients how the boulders which they are convinced are falling on them are in the scheme of things mere pebbles, or that the perceived chasm they feel perched on the edge of falling into, is just a furrow they are choosing to plough. The mind/ego of course loves to do this – its main purpose is to justify and reinforce its own existence and to create a sense of the individual as separate. Therefore it makes itself the centre of all drama, the focus of all action, the victim of all events – over and over again!
   Simply saying the equivalent of – “Oh come on now there are children starving in Africa” in order to provide perspective is of no help. The solution is to create perspective around and within our own being. To connect to the energy of our soul with all its understanding and deep seated knowledge  and which is busy whispering to us “this is just a moment in time and together we will have so many of these – why fixate on this one?” It is also for us to understand that each and every situation is offering all those in it the opportunity to learn and to grow. So we examine what truth is revealed here for us, we take our lesson, say thanks and let it go.
   If you are going over and over an issue, stressing about something you may or may not have control over, I suggest the following. Feel your feet upon the ground, breathe into the lower part of the lungs and visualise a line of energy drawn down through your centre and into the earth - concentrate on breathing and holding a centre line. Of course your mind won't let up that easily - it will be insisting “yeah but what about blah blah….. " Refuse to become it’s plaything - drown out its incessant chatter by repeating, “I bless and release with thanks all that no longer serves me”. If you are a visual person pour love and light down upon your own head and on those of any one else involved.  Gradually you will start to notice that the 'thing' is shrinking and fading and your own sense of power is growing and expanding. Often too the situation actually starts to heal because it isn't being fed by negativity. Now you have perspective, now you can see around and beyond  - for gloriously there is always a beyond.

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