Monday 3 November 2014

Bigger on the Inside

I consider that the broader purpose of my sessions is to help clients to expand their energy and to ‘lighten’ in all meanings of that word. So much of what we do in life and how we respond, causes us to shrink, condense and contract our energy. We become weighed down and reactionary, smaller and more afraid (regardless of our apparent position in society). Instead of opening up to the flow of universal energy we create resistance and friction. Then the world seems a very difficult place to be and we wonder why nothing seems to work out for us, and why we can’t find fleeting satisfaction, never mind peaceful fulfilment.
  I’ve been a fan of the BBC TV series Dr. Who since I was a little girl and I recently grabbed hold of the idea of the TARDIS as a way of helping clients to understand this concept. The TARDIS is the Policeman’s phone box in which Dr. Who travels through time and space. Not much larger than a standard red phone box on the outside it is, as nearly every occupant comments, “much bigger on the inside.” In essence we are each a mini TARDIS– much, much more than our external finite physical shell and way more grand on the inside!
  The trick is to connect with that inner greatness and to anchor ourselves in its certainty.  If we listen only to our mind and sit with it as our lord and master then we believe only in the 5 senses, are convinced that we know only what we are taught and that we are powerless, if power hungry, individuals. However if we claim the throne of the soul then we can call on all the knowledge of our many lives, and the wisdom of our guides and guardian angels. We trust our intuition and learn to work with, rather than against, energy flow. We also act in the certainty that we are indeed authentically powerful beings with no need to chase external kudos as a measure of our relevance.
  So don’t judge yourself or others, pay no penance to the critical voice rabbiting on in your mind and let go of the word ‘impossible’. Beyond the fear and pain of the child and past the anger and frustration of the adult lies the truth of our being, where all is known and everything is possible. Centre yourself in your Heart not your head, anchor into the earth, then open up the ‘TARDIS’ energy of the Solar Plexus chakra and know that you are one with greatness.

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