Saturday 24 October 2015

The Speaker Test

As a species, at one time our existence was centred on the intuitive but now we have swung to the other extreme, to be very much mind based. And despite our society’s commitment to it, for many people the daily experience of the mind is quite simply, crushing! 
  I often say to clients imagine if we could put a lead into our brains and play what is flying around in our heads out of a speaker. Very quickly I think most of us would be shouting, “Turn it off!!” or we’d run screaming from the room. Indeed if the room was locked we would not unreasonably consider it a form of torture having to listen to our endless internal narrative. So why then do we let it play all day every day, why do we turn it on even before we have reached out to snap the alarm clock off and why do we long for sleep to give us a break?
   Partly I think it’s because we are not told that there is an alternative or if we are, that comes so late that it is difficult to challenge our long established default setting. We are also not told that thought like everything else in the universe represents vibrational energy. Negative and critical, cruel, wasteful, repetitive, angry, dark, repetitive, pain of the past, fear of the future, repetitive: thoughts are energy, just like sound waves in a room. Only this energy is bouncing around inside our heads, feeding into our physical bodies to manifest tension and dis-ease, clogging up the auric field and blocking intuition.
   So for better physical, emotional and mental health do the 'Speaker Test!' Notice what you’ve just been thinking and imagine it coming barreling out of that speaker. Would you listen? Would you put up with this? Or would you take control of the volume and better manage the content. Would you seek something lighter, more joyful or maybe change the feed to the external sounds of nature? Perhaps you might even seek out the option of silence and stillness, for behind the noise there is every chance you will encounter a different version of you, one waiting quietly to be found.

(I am aware that deep depressive illness is not simple. This blog is aimed at those of us who do have a choice to take control of the mind.)

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