Tuesday 31 January 2017

We are All One

Given the events going on in the world at the moment I thought that I'd revisit a blog I wrote a few years ago about the idea that all of us in the human race are connected. It seems to be even more poignant and appropriate at this juncture in time when very big choices are being made by very powerful people. Choices which may well define the course of humanity and global interactions far into the future. Choices which we too have to make on the micro level every day, in every thought and every action. It is in that way we can reclaim our power and challenge the energy of fear being fed and manipulated by those who aim to 'divide and conquer'. Here is what I wrote in 2012:

 Despite being a deeply spiritual person, I am not a supporter of organized religion. As a child I went to church regularly but growing up in Northern Ireland during the 70’s and 80’s, I loved the ritual but not the hypocrisy. I enjoyed the sense of community but not the implicit separation from other communities my faith seemed to demand. Communities which, as I got older I realized, looked, sounded and suffered very much like mine.
Whist the ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland have ceased, it seems this message of separation and distrust of those who worship differently is more manifest in the world than ever. Why is it that around man's drive to understand the eternal questions of "Who are we?" and "Where do we come from?" we so often learn to find difference and choose separation?
The new higher vibrational energy coming through at the moment is very much focused on the fundamental concept that “We are all One.” It calls for a spirituality beyond the confines of man’s designs and structures and his need to separate, judge and set himself apart. It asks him to replace fear with trust.  Replace his continual search for power, with a meaningful search for connection. It invites each and every one of us to make connection with the “Source” on a personal and profound level. It also asks that we understand and honour our connection with all other people, regardless of their faith, race or political persuasion.  Quite simply “We are all one.”

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